Monday, July 1, 2013

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Sister Zabriskie Arrives in Canada!

March 30, 2013

Dear Zabriskie Family,

Sister Zabriskie arrived in Edmonton on Tuesday, the 26th of March.  She arrived with 13 other missionaries that she worked with closely at the MTC.  They looked a little anxious when they stepped through the doors, but thankful to be here. We were able to greet them at the airport, President and Sister Campbell, along with the assistants.

It was a pleasure to finally meet your daughter, Sister Zabriskie, after studying her picture for the past few weeks.  The assistants loaded the luggage into the van and then we were privileged to have the sisters drive with us to the stake center.

Once at the stake center, the group was too large to fit in the mission office,  they were able to meet the office staff and have a bite to eat.  They were very tired and hungry and appreciated the lunch we provided for them.  We had the opportunity to sit down and eat with them and enjoyed the time to just visit.  They filled out and signed the necessary forms that would allow them to get down to missionary work, right away.

After the stake center,  we went to the mission home, where the missionaries were able to sit and rest while President Campbell had the privilege of interviewing each of them.  We welcomed them into our home and saw that they were well cared for.  Before interviews they received their first training by the assistants.

We provided dinner and then had a fireside where they watched a DVD of sights from the mission.  Then we had the opportunity to hear testimonies from each of our new missionaries.

Thank you for raising such an amazing daughter and preparing her for the work.  We look forward to serving with her and watching her grow in testimony and purpose as she serves the people of the Canada Edmonton Mission.

Enclosed is a photo of your daughter with us on the day she met her new companion.  May God bless you and your family during Sister Zabriskie's service here in Edmonton.

With warm regards,

President and Sister Campbell

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Nikki Before The Mission

Well...she's off! We dropped Nikki off at the MTC around 2:30pm today. It's weird not having her around, but I know she'll be great. Good luck sister Zabriskie! Here are a bunch (probably 100 or so) of photos we took before she left: